The pool fence was finished* this week. We've been waiting quite a while for this one. Saving money by not doing the fence whilst spending money on a temporary one. Hmmm. It is 2/3 unfancy aluminium upon which will be grown a green backdrop of chinese star jasmine and 1/3 fancy schmancy glass panels for the corner facing the house.
Great to tick a major job off the list made when we moved in. pool fence. See.
However, not so great that immediately several more jobs are whacked on to the list, or that would be one of the lists currently in circulation:
lay turf
plant star jasmine
build timber screen for pool equipment
plant shade trees along fence
At least they're mostly Spring jobs. Which is lucky because our attention, energy and time is somewhat focused on the emerging Orchard right now.
*gate not yet complete because, you know, someone measured something incorrectly and the glass didn't fit and the replacement is at least four working days away yada yada yada.