Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sweet strawberries in six months...


The Summer petunias have been pulled out of their prime spot near the deck, a bit of horse manure and compost dug in, and 20 strawberry runners planted, half from a friend's garden and the other half, Cambridge Royal, purchased bare-rooted from The Diggers Club. They were given a light mulch of pine needles to acidify the soil and increase the flavour, although I am convinced any edible strawberry that comes out of my backyard will be exceptional due to flavour enhancing excitement and anticipation. Companion planting includes lettuces, borage, spinach and alyssum; borage because a website told me it will improve flavour; lettuce and spinach because a book told me strawberries like them and why shouldn't they be happy?; and alyssum will help attract bees and look pretty (plus I have grown an awful lot from seed so am now pretty much adding a plant or two whenever I plant anything else!)

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