Monday, June 4, 2012

I've dug a hole or twenty

'Dad, I've dug a hole'.

 I love The Castle and that joke just never gets old for me. Not on the first hole, or the fourth hole or even after the 28th hole including 9 I filled in again after deciding the apricots, peaches and nectarines were going to be too close together (another story for another post). Hole digging went something like this...
Cut out about 1m diameter of turf
Wrestle turf off and stack next to hole for reburying at the bottom
Dig out soil so hole is about 40cm deep
Lean on spade to admire my work
Think to myself 'Dad, I've dug a hole'

There's 9 holes to go plus a raspberry patch and blueberry bed and I really don't think I'll tire of it.

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