Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Kid's playground

Somewhere to play while Mum digs holes for fruit trees and Dad digs drainage ditches for the unintended swimming pools that have appeared under each deck after all that rain we are having (43mm in 24 hours last week after 40+ mm the week before. Astounding.) Kids helped by spreading some mulch and offering verbal encouragement along the lines of 'When are you building the cubby? Why isn't it finished yet? Come oooooooonnnnnnn! How long is it going to taaaaaaaake? But happiness all round at the end with a destination all of their own and a pretty speccie set of goal posts.

A lot of things to cross off our 'kid-friendly' list. Next for them will be preparing for a dog. Our focus has moved to the afore-mentioned swimming pools we didn't order and pay for...plus readying for orchard planting...and...and...

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